Long ago, my Mama warned me that the older you got, the faster time passed. Boy, was she ever right! My sweet Connor man is one month old today. It doesn't seem possible that one month has passed since I delivered!! He is a joy and quite the easy baby. He sleeps well, and he really only fusses when he is hungry or when he wants his diaper changed. And unlike his big brother who never cared if his diaper was wet or dirty, Connor usually lets you know the second it happens - unless it is the middle of the night and then he doesn't seem to care. And hey, who am I to be upset with this plan?? There are times when he looks just like Jake and other times when they look nothing alike. It really is crazy.
We have had BEAUTIFUL weather here in Savannah, and Jason's parents have been visiting for the week. Gammie and Grandad are the coolest people in the world to the Jakeman, and he is going to be heartbroken when they head back to Oklahoma. I wish I had a picture of his face when Gammie told him "no" yesterday morning. He had thrown his milk cup or something and got told "no" in the gentlest of voices from Gammie, but he looked as though his soul had been crushed. Since he is no longer phased by Mama or Daddy "no's", it was pretty comical. Jason has been off all week (at least until tomorrow) and he said he has enjoyed his "staycation". I have enjoyed (somewhat guiltily) enjoyed my "Jake-cation". Jake has been occupied, and I have been able to actually hang out with Connor aside from feedings. It has been nice. On Wednesday, we headed over to Tybee to the beach for the morning. Jake had quite possibly the best day of his life :) There was sand and birds and water and the list goes on and on. He probably ran the equivalent of a baby marathon. Check out the pics - especially the ones near the end with the sand caked everywhere and jello on the mouth - haha. Two words - TOTALLY FUN!
Jason and I headed out to dinner the other night - ALL BY OURSELVES!! It was the first meal that I haven't cooked in a while, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. As we sat outside and enjoyed the night while eating dinner, we watched tourists stroll by. I told Jason that I still have a hard time believing that we actually get to call this beautiful city home. I mean, people from all over the country and the world visit Savannah, and we can drive downtown or over to the beach any time we want. Here in just weeks from now, we will be moving into our new home. I, for one, am really excited to get settled into the house where we will raise our family. This is an awesome time for us, and I feel really blessed right now. Life is sweet...
4 hours ago
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