Yesterday, we decided to head back to music class. It was the first attempt we've made since I had Connor, and I am so glad that we went and we spent the afternoon in the park. Today, was a repeat of sorts. I have to share this picture of sweet Connor from this morning. The ER nurses gave Jason an outfit for Connor. It was a Kissy Kissy outfit, and for those who don't know, those aren't the cheapest things and are oh, so soft. Well, it was a little big when we first got it, and then it's been too warm to wear since it was pants and long sleeves. I hated for the little man who is growing like a weed to never wear it, so it became PJs last night. Well...little Connor was a little big for it, and although the pants fit the top was a wee bit short. When I got out of the shower this morning, this is what I saw - my sweet man all slithered down in his bouncy seat with his pants hiked up and his midriff showing and happy as could be - haha.
Once everyone was up, fed, and dressed for the day, we headed out to Michael's to pick up a few things for a few projects I am working on. I can't wait to show them to you all, but I have to do some work first. Most are for Jake's new room in the new house. Which, by the way, we move into in May - woohoo!!!! Everything has been done as far as appraisal, inspection, etc so now we are in the "hurry up and wait" stage until closing. I can't wait. It is a beautiful house and one where we will be able to grow and be happy in for a long time. Anyway, we made our weekly trip to Home Goods since I am scouting for a bedroom rug. For some reason this shopping center has front row parking dedicated to hybrid vehicles. Well, none of the spaces was taken and apparently all of Savannah had decided to truck it to Home Goods at 9:30 in the morning like we had. My car suddenly became a hybrid vehicle. I'm sorry - I have 2 little children to get out of the car and I have to retrieve a cart while leaving my children in the car, so I need to be close to the store. That is WAY more important than giving you a pat on the back for buying hybrid. Also, personally, I think that the fact that I pushed 2 little people out of my body is way the hell more impressive than your "green" purchase as well. So there, Mr. and Mrs. Save the Planet, I will continue to steal your parking spot near the door - thank you very much.
So, no dice on the rug and we headed to the mall to hang out in the soft play area for a bit. I was amazed watching Jake play on the stuff. He looked so grown up! And let me say that having a 5 week old does throw a kink into watching the 19 month old. I stood up to help Jake climb and when I turned around, there was a gaggle of toddlers standing around Connor's carrier on the bench. First, let me say that Jason and I are about the least germaphobic healthcare workers around. I am not one to stay in the house after having a baby to reduce "exposure" or anything, but I didn't want anyone poking an eye or sticking a little finger in his mouth or anything. So, I rushed over to assure them that he needed to sleep :) After playing for 45 minutes, it was lunch time. Now, I knew that he had not played enough in his opinion and was ready for the tantrum. I wish I had had the camera. It was a good one. I mean, threw his head back and wailed like I had beaten him kind of tantrum where the body just goes stiff and makes getting legs into the stroller nearly impossible. Instead of being frustrated, it only made me giggle. I was getting the looks from all the other parents like "oh, yeah, we are going to have to do that in a few minutes, too." It continued on the way out of the mall. I got a few horrified looks from those "I don't have children" people, and all the moms and grandmas gave me the smile and nod that said that they had been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. Thank God for naptime.
Speaking of naps, while Jake was napping I did some chores around here and cooked dinner. I either try to prepare as much of dinner or if it is something that will be just as good reheating I try to go ahead and cook. As you all know, I am trying to lose the poundage from baby plus some. I have managed to get back down to the weight I was when I went to my first prenatal visit, so we are making progress. Woohoo!! I made a recipe last night from a WW recipe website for sweet and sour baked chicken, and it was really good. Click here to get the recipe. I made some brown fried rice to go with it. I made the sauce during naptime yesterday, chopped the chicken, chopped my veggies to put in the rice, and all I had to do before dinner was coat the chicken, add the sauce, and throw it in the oven. Easy peasy. Tonight, I made a corn chowder from Pinterest that was a WW recipe. It was also pretty good and filling, too. Here is the recipe for that. Sweet Connor hung out under the playmat for a while. I did get on the scale with and without Connor today, and there was an 11.4 lb difference!!! Holy cow, this boy is growing!
This afternoon, we headed back to the playground so we could dig and play. I bought a mosquito net for the stroller, so C hung out and slept like this:
We stayed at the playground for about an hour then went on a walk. Here are a few pics from the playground. I especially enjoyed getting sand out of every crevice tonight during the bath. See if you can figure out why :)
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This is what I got when I asked for a smile - I don't think he gets it yet - haha |
During the drive home, we opened to sunroof, let down the driver's window, and blasted some 80's music. I drove out past our house to the end of the island. It still blows my mind that this is only 2 minutes from our house. Now THAT was a good day....
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