So, today this happened:
I'm not really sure how seeing as how he was just born yesterday. I didn't cry when we dropped him off, but I will admit to a few tears as he got ready this morning. Just seeing how excited he was and watching him put on his uniform made this mama's heart ache more than a little. This little boy who first made me a mama turned 5 two days ago. Where does the time go????
We didn't do a big party this year. Instead, we went to Atlanta with Jason's sister and her family to visit the aquarium and go to Fernbank the next day. I didn't even bring my camera because I just wanted to soak up the time with the boys and not lug that heavy thing around. We had a great time. Birthday cake and ice cream happened on Sunday since Jason was working on Jake's actual birthday. I don't think Jake minded having cake a day early one bit.
I attended kindergarten orientation on Tuesday. They had childcare for all 3 (or so I thought), but they asked me to take Tucker with me since he was the youngest kiddo in the childcare area. The sweet lady who arranged the childcare did tell me that if he got busy to bring him back. He was pretty chill for about 30 minutes or so. Then, he pooped which he had to tell me as if I couldn't smell it, started yelling, and began to throw toys. Well, buddy, take a chance with the big kids. After signing up for a bunch of volunteer stuff that I don't really remember today, we all collected our things and headed out.
School doesn't let out until 3pm, and let me tell you - my new little kindergartener was worn out!!! He got in the car all excited to tell me about his day, and it quickly went downhill. He turned into a grump, Tucker (who had woken up from his nap an hour early for pickup) got the giggles, and Connor fell asleep on the ride home. Dinner consisted of whining children and the littlest one who managed to throw food all over the place. It. Was. Lovely. You guys totally should have been here to enjoy it with me. But, on a happier note, all the volunteer stuff that I had forgotten I signed up for came home today in a folder with all the copies of the sign up sheets. I don't guess I can play the "I forgot" card, can I? Did I mention that I added a third day to Tucker's little school schedule to match Connor? Yep, that happened this morning, too, after I had to pull him off the table for a third time. Jesus take the wheel, and someone else needs to take Tucker for a few hours during the school year. Two days a week was NOT enough. By 5:45 (and no that is not a typo) all three kids were fed, bathed, storied up, and in bed. Are they asleep just yet? Nope, and I don't care. I am done with the day. In fact, I just ate a bowl of ice cream I cannot even taste (thank you stupid sinus problems) just because --- hell, I don't even know why. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Mom Looking Forward to Next Summer...
Vegetable Crustless Quiche
14 hours ago
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