Long time, no write on here. As people around here love to say, "It's been a minute." Which in and of itself is a baffling statement because they usually mean, "It's been so long, I don't remember." We've had one month plus of someone in this house having a fever. I mean that in all seriousness. Over one whole month and counting... I am so over it. I have had some head shaking moments over this last month, and I thought I'd share some of them with you all. Does any of this stuff drive y'all crazy, too?
1. People who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're" and "there", "they're", and "their". Did people fall asleep in 3rd grade English class (and every year after that)? Sometimes I know autocorrect is the culprit. Seriously, people, google the differences, study up, do some practice sheets online or something, but for the love of all that is good in the world STOP USING THESE INCORRECTLY!!!
2. Text speak. Do u gt txts like ths? I understand subbing a "u" for "you" every now and then, but please just type the whole damn word the rest of the time. If it takes me longer to figure out what your texts are saying than it does to read them, something is wrong.
3. Men in sports cars. I was walking the baby and the dog the other day when a little car came by and revved up the engine as it turned. I look over, and the driver is a 35+ (probably 40+) driver. I really get that some people are really into cars, but if you are a man over 40, a tiny sports cars screams "mid life crisis." They're (see, misusing it is really annoying, isn't it?) is nothing sexy about your car that screams "I am overcompensating in other areas." Wanna be sexy? Take out the trash, play with the kids, help an old lady with her groceries. All of those things scream "take me now" to women in your age group (who is not who you are probably trying to attract anyway), but your tiny car - well, that's not what it is saying, okay? Want me to fill you in on what it does say about you? That's probably something not really appropriate for here...
4. Political posts on Facebook. Ugh. I hate election years, or really any time around November on Facebook. I don't care what your political stance is. I don't want to read about it daily. I don't want to read your rants on "those stupid liberals" or "those stingy conservatives". Want me to tell you a secret? NEITHER DOES ANYONE ELSE. I have said I don't hide people in my feed, I just delete. It might make for some awkward conversations later when I see people out and about, but I will own it. Consider yourselves warned when you post your tenth political post of the day.
I have thought of so many more over the last month as I have nursed my own or another family member's fever. I could probably do a whole post on Facebook alone. Such a love/hate relationship there. I'll sign off for now and get a bit of rest since I know I will be up to give Motrin again in a few short hours. So, what are your most "baffling things?"
Pan Seared Shrimp
1 hour ago
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