After the last post about things that threw me for a loop, I'm now positive all my Christmas gifts will have monograms ;) As we move into the Christmas season, I thought I'd throw in a some Christmas confusion.
1) Elf on the Shelf - I know somewhere my husband is rolling is eyes (along with about 3/4's of you who are reading this). Once upon a time, I thought it sounded fun. Now, three children later I am puzzled as to why parents would subject themselves to the torture that is the Elf. First of all, the damn thing is creepy looking - you all have to admit that. Back when I just had Jake, I could probably have remembered to move the elf. Now, I am lucky to remember to move myself and the children to where we need to be on a daily basis, let alone a creepy little elf. And no, I do not need to intentionally make a mess to blame on the elf. That is just an extra mess for me to clean. Trust me, if you need extra messes to clean, I can send my children to your house. I actually enjoy seeing other people's elves in action, but I don't want any here at the Lowe house.
2) Christmas cards featuring only half the family - Longtime readers know what I am going to say. In fact, the very first post on the blog is about just this subject. I know so many people who just don't want to be in the pictures because they don't like the way they look. If you are sending this out to people who you care about, love, work with, etc. - well, they probably know what you look like. If something happened to you tomorrow are your children going to have any pictures of you all together as a family? Am I the size I want to be? Nope, but do my children care? Nope, so I guess all the people who get cards from us will get the real me. And you know what? I'm okay with that, and you should be, too (with your own selves, not getting a fluffy picture of me, that is).
3) Facebook recipe posts - I don't understand this for the life of me. There is an ENTIRE site dedicated to marking things you want to come back and take a look at later. It is called Pinterest. Go find it, join, and bookmark away. That is all.
4) Facebook/Social Media creepers - You all know what I am talking about. These are the people who never ever post on social media but have accounts to look at other people's stuff. It is weird. Just stop.
5) Children and nap time - Parents, can I get an Amen?? These little tiny people fight you like crazy each and every day about taking a nap when all I want to do is go lie down and get a pillow and blanket of my own. What is so undesirable about lying down in the middle of the day that makes it necessary to launch WWIII up in here? And at what age does it stop seeming like punishment and the most heavenly idea on the planet :)
There. Five more baffle-worthy (at least to me) points. We had some pictures made for cards last weekend. I'll share a few from the bunch. Until next time...
8 hours ago
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