"To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, March 28, 2014

I Got My Mommy Card

Yep, it's official. Today, I am an official card-carrying member of Mommyhood. We bought a van. And yes, I swore up and down and back again from the time I could drive (maybe even before) that I would never - and I mean NEVER - drive a mini van. They were the kiss of death of cool, the "it just screams soccer mom", and the statement that you have, in fact, just given up. Well, somewhere along the way, I have said that you should never say never...

We started looking at cars a while back, and I was insistent that we not look at anything remotely resembling a van. Only large, gas-guzzling SUVs for me, please. And thank you. However, I felt pretty convicted about the whole van thing because I finally admitted that the one reason I didn't want a van was purely out of vanity. And well, that just didn't make a whole lot of sense. We could get a brand new van for what we would pay for a used SUV, so I reluctantly agreed to look. Reluctantly means that I sent this message in the form of an email because I couldn't speak the words out loud, and because I was afraid that if I waited until I got home I would chicken out and not say it. Of course, the hubby jumped on his chance and began to research.

Today, my new van was delivered to my house. I died a little inside when I saw it pull into the driveway. The very nice man who delivered it told me all about the features, set my phone up for Bluetooth, and explained that they would call in a few days to answer any additional questions. Savannah Toyota pretty much rocks, by the way. When he left, the kiddos were napping, so I got busy installing all 3 car seats. The boys awoke from their naps, super excited to ride in the new van. We went on an outing to get a new barcode sticker for the gate to our neighborhood. I put the Planes DVD in - much to their amazement. Since I couldn't figure out (since remedied this problem) how to get the volume to play over the speakers, we got out the wireless headphones. They thought this was better than sliced bread. And with the big boys rocking their headphones, we set off. Across town, the ride was smooth. My navigation map told me where we were at all times - not that I needed it to drive where we were going. The DVD player kept the boys quiet as mice. Hmmm...maybe this van thing wasn't such a bad idea.

The boys went to bed, and I went out to take all my junk back out to unload in the van. I uploaded my phone contacts directly into the phonebook of the car, played around with the radio, got the mirrors adjusted just right, and I gotta say - I think I may be a bit of convert after only one afternoon. As long as I don't look at the exterior, this thing is pretty cool - haha.

And just like that, I realized I am sucked in. I have given up, become the soccer mom, and am just not cool (if I ever really was). What's even weirder? I am okay with it. I'm not ready to full-on embrace it yet, but I am okay with it. Who knows, by next week I may be rockin' out to some 80's music with the bass turned up in the mini van. Well now, that just screams sad, doesn't it? And when I stop by to pick you up, you know you're gonna hop in and sing along...

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