Connor is growing like a little weed. For about the past 3 weeks, he has been sleeping through the night. I think that with Jake I just assumed he was hungry when he woke up for a lot longer than he actually was. He got stuck at 4:30 or so, and Connor had done the same. One night, instead of getting up to nurse, I simply gave him his pacifier and he went back to sleep until 6. It's been the same every night since then. Woohoo for sleep! I cannot believe the little man is 2 months old! Where does time go?
We are at the cooing and smiling all the time stage which is a great reward for all those nights of getting up in the middle of the night to feed and change diapers. Here is a pic from tonight when he was lying on his Daddy's lap. He TOTALLY has the pout mastered.
We are still in the days of tantrums and talking, talking, talking with Jake. He cracks me up with some of the things that he thinks of or says now. It is pretty funny to see his little brain working. Jason took him out on the golf course last week and ever since, he has been hitting every ball we have like it was a golf ball. The problem was that he didn't have anything that resembled a golf club (other than the real things) so he was using anything he could find as a club. He swung the fool out of his markers one morning trying to hit a ball. We had to go to Wal-Mart anyway, so I picked him up a $6 set of plastic clubs. The child spent over an hour playing with them before his nap, and the first thing he said when I got him up from his nap was ball. Here are a few shots of our little golf pro:
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Organization is very important |
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Having a Tiger moment |
The meltdowns (thankfully) are pretty predictable. I know that when we leave the playground it is probably going to happen. There have been a few exceptions, but I can usually expect a full on meltdown. A few weeks ago, we were at the playground and I realized that the back door of my SUV had opened. I had pressed the auto close button as we were walking away not realizing that something was in the door. Well, Connor was in the stroller sleeping, Jake was in the sand playing, and the door to the car was open. I couldn't leave the kids where they were because Jake could have been halfway to the road by the time I got back and leaving the baby and taking just Jake to the car didn't seem right. SOOO...I loaded up Jake in the stroller, trying to explain that we just had to shut the door and we would be right back. I didn't see any need in buckling him in since we were coming right back. BIIIGGG Mistake! Well, the teeny bopper lifeguard from the pool was beebopping her way to her car and I noticed she gave me the "look." You know that one that says, "Holy cow, my kids will NEVER act like that." The look that always makes me want to say, "Shut it, sister, this will so be you one day, too." Anyhoo, I felt a bump, heard a wail that was a little louder than what he had been doing, and realized I had indeed run over my child. In all of his wailing and prostrating, he had flung himself out of the stroller and under the wheels. Well, damn... By this time, little Miss Lifeguard looked like her eyes would pop out of her head. Don't worry, my child was unharmed, and as soon as he was released back into the wild to play, he was back to his normal smiling self.
We got a haircut today, and he looks so grown up. As we were leaving, the lady who cut his hair asked what kind of perfume I had on. I almost choked on laughter. Perfume?? What's that? Eau De Baby Poo and Sweat, perhaps. She said that it must be the baby lotion, and I told her that any day that I don't smell like baby poo is a successful day in my book. Speaking of poo, methinks potty training may be just around the corner because Jake feels the need to tell me that he is about to poop by saying, "Shoo Wee" like he smells something awful. Great - totally looking forward to that. Here is is with his new 'do.
Life is a bit more normal since this past weekend was over. Jason flew to Chicago to take the oral portion of his board exam. It is the final step in the process of being a board certified ER physician. I am so proud of him for all of his hard work. He has studied so hard, worked very hard, and all the while been the best and most helpful husband and father to our boys that I could ask for. If the roles were reversed, I don't think I would have been able to pull it off like he did.
While Jason was in Chicago, my friend, Jenny came for the day with her mom and 2 sweet kiddos. Jenny is one of those life-long friends that I have had since forever. We spent hours riding all the backroads in Wilkes County on Sunday afternoons in her Honda, Betty, or my Mustang. Those poor cars went places that were meant only for trucks with big tires. Creek beds and bogged out dirt roads didn't scare those cars :) Now we are both moms of two kids, and it seems like yesterday we were hanging out at Hardee's waiting for something exciting to happen. I got to take some pictures of Jenny's sweet children while they were here. It's the first time I have taken pics in what seems like forever, and it felt so nice to do it again. Mr. Connor says it is time to eat, so I will leave you all tonight with a few pics from the weekend:
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