I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I absolutely love seeing pictures of everyone's kids and keeping in touch with people I maybe wouldn't otherwise. I see the joys and sorrows of many friends, and I can pray for those who are facing difficult times I might not have known about otherwise. Then, there is the other side that I absolutely loathe. I, for the life of me, don't understand why people feel the need to post about every, single controversy going on the world today.
For instance, right now - at least for the moment - it's a Nike ad. Want to know my two cents? Nike is a private company. They can have whoever they want on a campaign. You hate it? Don't buy Nike products. Do you need to burn your shoes in protest on camera? Sure, if you want to look like an immature asshat. Because aren't you protesting? And correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you so upset about the person in the ad because he was protesting? And on the flip side, if you do something in a place of employment, and your boss tells you not to do it again and you do it and get fired. Guess what? That's how companies work. There is a boss for a reason, and you may not like them or their rules. However, in order to stay employed you have to follow the rules.
Do I really care about any of this? No. Am I so offended by a player taking a knee during the National Anthem? No. Personally, I will stand for the anthem. But, I was never offended by a man on the sidelines taking a knee. He defended why he did it, and he wasn't loud or disrespectful. The problem I have comes with the bandwagon crowd who has no idea what the real issue is and takes a knee because they think it's cool.
I don't post every opinion I have online, and truthfully neither should you. Stay away from your phone or keyboard and actually take time to engage with people. Even (gasp) people who look different than you, think differently than you, have different life experiences. You see a pattern? Different. Not the same. Seek out those opportunities, and guess what? You may find more things in common than different. But I promise you this, spreading hateful memes, articles, posts on Facebook or other social media platforms is not the answer. Go find some kids that really need shoes and give those Nikes you are trashing to them. Do good. Be good. That is way more productive, I promise.
Free 7 Day Healthy Meal Plan (March 3-9)
4 hours ago
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