"To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, February 1, 2016

Catch Up

So, I kinda fell off the face of the Earth - or at least the page of the blog. You know -  three kids, a husband, responsibilities, blah blah....it keeps a woman busy. What have we been doing you ask? Well, since the last time I wrote, we've celebrated Halloween, Thanksgiving with Jason's family, had my family in town for a big meal, had a merry Christmas, celebrated having a TWO year old (gosh, where does the time go?), and are now gearing up to have a birthday party at the end of the month for our almost FOUR year old!!!! You know, just the usual - life...

Life right now is a constant string of saying things that should not come out of your mouth in a sentence like:
1) Take the goat out of your mouth (Speaking of the tiny plastic goat)
2) Maybe you should get out of the dog's bed so he can lie down.
3) Do NOT touch your penis again. (Maybe this isn't one that should not come out of your mouth, per se with little boys. It's just that I say it about 20 times (conservative estimate) per day)

And the list goes on. I could probably write a whole post on just stuff you thought you'd never say in a sentence together. But at the end of the day, my brain, body, and everything else is TIRED. Over the summer I started working out lifting weights with my neighbor (who has since moved - insert sad face), and she kicked my behind. My competitive self could not stand not to be able to hang with her, so I stepped up my game. I LOVE the gym and lifting weights, and anyone who has known me for a while knows that this isn't something you ever in a million years thought I'd utter. SO, at the end of the day - after working out, taking care of kiddos, cooking, and just keeping up with all the other parts of life I have to say 8:30 seems like a late night. Sad, I know.

For those that care - like all 2 of you :) I thought I would just sum up the last few months by pictures. So here we go:
My pirate (on its 3rd use now), Stormtrooper, and Darth Vader

The Whole Crew of Trick or Treaters

We were pilgrims

We ate feasts
We had to take the obligatory Christmas card photos.
Good gracious, I love these boys

Best Buds

Two of a kind

Christmas was a blast this year. We baked cookies for Santa, and the boys loved that. On Christmas Day, we had unusually warm weather and ended up at the beach - in shorts - on Christmas Day.  The weather was gorgeous, but as we drove onto Tybee a giant fog covered the beach. It was kind of magical. Starfish were all over the rocks, and I could have taken pictures of them all day long. We came home and rode bikes - we now have 2 non-training wheel riders!!! All in all, it was a great day.
Master Decorator

Dude, it takes concentration to get cookies that look this good

The Santa stash

Trying to get everyone to look at the same time was like herding cats

I know I'm partial, but those are some cute boys

One week after Christmas Day, on New Year's Day we celebrated our little man turning two. How does time pass by so quickly? We ate delicious cake, and then we spent time with friends down the street and cooked up a New Year's Feast.

2015 was a year where we tried to enjoy family and life to the fullest. We saw God's hand at work this year, and it makes me excited to see what 2016 will bring. Sorry for the thousand pictures. I'll be back with some interesting (maybe, not likely) post soon. If that doesn't keep you on the edge of your seat, I don't know what will.

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