Can I just take a moment to whine for the tiniest little bit? No? Whatever. My blog, my rules - I do what I want (insert Eric Cartman voice) - I'm a rebel that way. Am I the only Mama on the planet that feels like a completely different version of myself at the end of the day? Not every day, mind you - today was a wonderful exception - but many days. Still don't know what I'm talking about?
Morning moms: You awaken with a smile and greet the kiddos with a hug and kiss when you see them.
Evening moms: You can barely contain your excitement as you shut their doors at bedtime because you (hopefully) don't see their little faces until the next morning.
Morning moms: Prepare breakfast thinking about what they would like to eat. Or get even crazier by making heart shaped pancakes because you know they will think that's cute (yep, did that one last weekend).
Evening moms: Contemplate just giving them Benadryl for dinner to hurry along the bedtime routine.
Morning moms: Make up silly songs about the day the fun they will have that day.
Evening moms: Bash your head against the wall because it is bedtime and they are STILL singing that stupid song...
Morning moms: Shower
Evening moms: Even though you got a shower, you are so sweaty and stinky from chasing kids, wiping noses, changing diapers, cleaning off food you need another but are too tired to even care. Hey, the sheets need to be washed anyway, right?
Morning moms: Meal plan
Evening moms: Why do these little people need to eat EVERY.SINGLE.NIGHT?????
Morning moms: Dr. Jekyll
Evening moms: Mr. Hyde
You get the drift? Can I get an Amen? Surely I am not alone in this. So many days, the day begins with such hope and promise and ends with mom guilt because all I want to do is escape these tiny little people. I am constantly reminded that His mercies are new every morning. That's a good thing because if I woke each morning as "evening mom" the Department of Family and Children's Services would be called in to evaluate.
Every once in a while, you get a glimmer of hope as I did today. I had to take all 3 children - yes, all 3 - to the dentist (yes, I did say dentist) while myself and the oldest got cleanings. I was prepared for Threat Level "Surely There will be a Terror Strike" or whatever color the high warning is. Lo and behold, they were angels for the most part. And at 5, 3, and 22 months the "for the most part" is equal to well behaved - let's be realistic. We got home, homework was done without whining, they played, got baths and stories with ease. I got muffins made for the morning, checked a few things off the to do list, and unloaded the dishwasher. Of course, this might mean that the world will end tonight, but even if it does I can go to bed assured that on the final day my kids got "morning mom" all day. Miracles do happen.
Vegetable Crustless Quiche
6 hours ago
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