This is one of those old rant type posts I haven't shared in a while. Every once in while I have to pull the old Akisha out of the corner :) When thinking about names for this post "Things that make you say WTH" and "Things that Annoy the *(&^ out of me" were among the top contenders. I decided to go with the above title because I decided some of these don't annoy me so much as just plain baffle me. Some annoy the &^% out of me - just for the record. I'm sure I will be able to add to this list in the months to come, hence the Part 1 part of the title. So here are a few for the night of things that baffle me:
1) Starbucks: Okay, so I get the occasional trip if you really like a certain coffee drink they have. What I cannot comprehend are the people who stop there on a regular basis - like every other day. Do you realize how much money you are flushing down the drain??? May I introduce you to Mr. Coffee. He can brew a perfectly fine cup of coffee that you do not have to pay an outrageous price to drink. And let's face it, their coffee isn't really that good anyway. I just don't get you once a day Starbucks people. Try and explain all you want, I'm still not buyin it.
2) Expensive Children's Clothing: I get having a cute outfit or two that may cost more money. However, if you have closets filled with expensive clothing that you are afraid to let your children play in, you need an intervention. And can I just say that for those of you with girls I don't understand Matilda Jane. I mean, some of it is cute, but most looks like Grandma drank a few too many toddies before she got to the sewing machine. For reals... Tar-Jzhay is good enough for the kiddos when it comes to clothing that they will wear for such a short time anyway. There will be a time when my children care about what they wear, and when they do we will spend more if we can on certain items. Until then, I have better things to spend money on - like clothing for me (although you'll probably see me in yoga pants or shorts and a t-shirt).
3) People Who Pronounce the "L" in Salmon: It is silent, people. You pronouncing the L only makes you look dumb. There, I said it.
4) The "Hide Post" Option on Facebook: The only reason this option exists is 1) someone's posts are annoying and you don't want to delete them for fear of hurting their feelings/potential awkward situation or 2) you want to not look at the annoying posts but want the option of selective stalking their page on your terms. My take - put on your big girl panties and hit delete. Chances are, if someone's posts annoy you to the point you don't want to see them, they ain't your best friend, people. We aren't 12, so even if they did notice why not just be honest and say they annoyed the snot out of you with their 327 recipe reposts daily?
5) The Crazy Need to Monogram Everything: I am a Southern girl, and I do love a good monogrammed item or two. But everything I own? Not.Gonna.Do.It. Seriously ladies, the cars have to stop. I already know my name, and at almost 37, I do not need any monogrammed articles of clothing. Accessories, okay (for example: jewelry, scarves) but shirts - no. Just stop.
In a totally unrelated note: Tonight, my oldest child is now obsessed with rhyming. He doesn't care if they actually are real words or not. He just likes to rhyme. Tonight he chose corn. My rhyming word was born. He picked porn. I tried to steer him to other words, and he kept coming back to that one. He doesn't know that word -for the record.
So, there you have it - the first list of things that baffle me. I'm sure there will be more. You're probably gripping your seat in anticipation, right? Haha. I see a lot of Starbucks gift cards and monogrammed items for Christmas coming my way. I have twisted friends that way.
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
12 hours ago
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