Well, I guess we technically are waiting on Alison, John, Edgar, Gammie, and Grandad to arrive first. All of the Lowe's are coming into town today, and the first should arrive in about an hour! Bring on Christmas celebrations. It seems like forever since I posted, and truthfully, I have wanted to post at least a dozen times, but it has been BUSY. When the boys go to bed or nap, I have either had a list of things to do or I have just wanted to lie on the couch and do nothing.at.all. Sue me...
Baking, singing carols (Jake's favorite is Jingle Bells), lights, and the cards rolling in daily with the mail are all pointing toward the Christmas season. I LOVE the cards. It is always wonderful to see everyone and their families. For those of you who know my husband will also know that he takes the Christmas cards seriously. If you don't know, I will only say that according to Jason Lowe there are very strict rules on the "how to's" of Christmas cards.
I said that Halloween was fun to experience all over again through little eyes, and the Christmas season has been no different. We have talked about the bebe (baby Jesus), Santa, chris lights (Christmas lights), and so on from sun up til sun down. We went to see Christmas lights a few weeks ago when the Bamboo Farm opened their trail. There are a lot of lights out there, and Jake had a great time.
His little face just cracks me up. He was TOTALLY excited. I haven't had this much fun at Christmas in years! He and Connor are finally interacting a little - most of the time in the form of shoves and hits, but sometimes they actually play.
Speaking of the little one, he is 10 months old today! Where does the time go? There are already discussions about #3 taking place. Call me crazy, I just want to go ahead and get it over. If you had asked me that a month ago, I would have punched you, but now it doesn't seem so crazy. Of course, Jason has been ready to add #3 since Connor was about a month old. Men... No news to report or anything, so don't go get the rumor mill flying. Connor is pulling up and crawling like a champ now. Life does become easier and more complicated at the same time when they learn to do that. At least you don't have to physically move them from room to room, but you have to watch every second.

There hasn't been a bunch going on in terms of projects around this casa lately. I never did do any decorations outside - not even wreaths. Next year - maybe. I did give a Dollar Tree nativity scene a makeover with a little spray paint. I wanted a bigger one, but this one will suffice for now. Looks better in the second pic, huh?
In a post from January, I talked about resolutions and how I don't make them. I did say that I wanted to take more pictures this year. It has taken all year, but here in the last few weeks a few of the sweet girls from church have allowed me to play around with their beautiful families. It has been fun to do this, and hopefully I can continue to shoot more to get out of the house. Now, I must find a willing photographer to let me ask a million questions. Any takers? Here are a few of the pics from the 2 shoots:
I probably should get up now to do the last few things before the fam arrives. I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas. See you in the New Year!!!!!
You did a really nice job on the photos! I've been wanting to start a photo tutorial series on my blog. Maybe some of your questions could get me started. :) Seriously, I'm happy to help if I can.