Happy 4th of July to all!! I hope that everyone is having a great 4th. I am looking forward to the days (hopefully next year) when we can take the boys to see the fireworks. Jason is working tonight, and there was no way on God's green Earth I was going to attempt to take the boys to see fireworks myself. I could just see Connor screaming his head off, and Jake saying "Wow" about 1,000 times. No.Thank.You...
I said the other day that Jake was paying more attention to Connor now. It really is pretty cute. As we played in the other morning, I ran and grabbed the camera. I am so glad I did because I caught some pretty cute moments. Jake found Jason's hat. Yes, if you can read it in the pictures it says Softtail Saloon. I think it was a hat Jason got playing softball in FL, and they sponsored the team. I don't remember if it was a Harley bar, a strip club, or both, but I guess that's beside the point. The boys had fun playing with it wherever it was from...
It all started when we headed into the playroom to build a house for each of the Little People farm animals.
I'll bet you didn't know what an expert builder I am - haha. Anyway, Jake spotted the hat under the futon while he was building the houses and put it on. Then, he got a better idea.
You could see the little wheels turning in that head of his. Then, he uttered "hmmm, how 'bout". You just never know what's coming after that one. He figured if that head could hold a hat, surely this would work.
Poor Connor is so enthralled with Jake he didn't care what Jake was doing. Well, surely if that worked, let's check out this:
Haha. Then he proceeded to give kisses to Connor and give him back his paci.
After another "hmmm, how bout - book", we chose a book for Jake and a book for Connor to read. As you can see, they thoroughly enjoyed them.
These boys keep me on my toes, and at the end of the day, these toes are worn slap out!
I keep having people ask me if I have any pics of the boys together. The other day I thought I would try. Two words - EPIC. FAIL. Good Lord, trying to get a picture of a 4 month old and a 22 month old actually looking at the camera is like trying to herd cats. Ever seen that done? Nope, and I bet you haven't seen this done either. Let me just show you what I managed to get - ha! I even tried bribing the big one with jelly beans which failed miserably because I would say jelly bean, and he would give a fake smile and jump up to get a "bean." Ugh...
Told you so - I didn't even bother to edit them. Well, except to make the last one black and white, that is...
I don't know about where you are, but it is HOT here. Over 100 degrees with humidity at around 100% is NOT outdoor weather. The other day, Peanut started barking like crazy, so I decided to see what was wrong. I spotted this squirrel on the bar on the patio. It cracked me up because he was spread out, belly on the granite as if the granite felt so good and cool on his little squirrel tummy. Excuse the quality of the pic, it was taken through the blinds.
The poor little guy stayed out there for a while just chillin and then scurried off. He was clearly unfazed by the ferocity of our vicious attack dog. Well, that's all I've got, folks. Totally scintillating reading, I know. I hope that you all have a happy and cool rest of the 4th :) Until next time....
Vegetable Crustless Quiche
5 hours ago
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